© Tse Yim On

I am pleased to participate in this joint exhibition, if you are in Taipei, please come and enjoy our fantastic works.

Painted in Hong Kong
Curator|Leung Shiu Kee
Artists|anothermountainman、Hui Kim Ho、Kan Kiu Sin、Leung Lok Hei、Leung Po Ying、Tong Wai Kit、Tse Yim On、Wong Chak Hung、Wong Sze Wai、Wu Chun Yin
Period|2024.05.04(Sat.)- 2024.06.08(Sat.)
Opening reception|2024.05.11(Sat.)15:00
Venue|1F., No. 222, Shidong Rd., Shilin Dist., Taipei

展期|2024.05.04 - 06.08
地點|曙畫廊 (台北市士林區士東路222號1樓)



    Painted in HK

    Painted in HK

    Painted in HK

    As a hub of cultural convergence between East and West, Hong Kong has nurtured a rich tapestry of artistic expression, blending diverse influences and fostering generations of talented artists.

    Enlighten Gallery is proud to partner with renowned curator Mr. Leung Shiu Kee, presenting ten artists spanning different generations. Through their artworks reflecting Hong Kong's history and evolution, the exhibition offers a multifaceted portrait of the city, showcasing its innovative and diverse painting scene.

    ‘Painted in Hong Kong’ commences on May 4th, with an opening reception on May 11th at 3:00 PM, the curator and six of the participating artists: Kan Kiu Sin, Leung Po Ying, Tong Wai Kit, Wong Chak Hung, Wong Sze Wai, Wu Chun Yin, will gather at the venue. Everyone is welcome to join us in celebrating and sharing the joy of artistic exchange.





I am pleased to participate in this joint exhibition, if you are in Taipei, please come and enjoy our fantastic works.


“Light Amidst Chaos” JPS Gallery Group Exhibition
日期 / Date:2024/04/27-05/12
時間 / Time:14:00 - 20:00(週一公休 / Close on every Monday)
地點 / Add:The Little Hut
台北市敦化南路一段161巷73號 / No.73, Lane 161, Sec. 1, Dun Hua S. Rd., Taipei



    Light Amidst Chaos

    Light Amidst Chaos


    “Light Amidst Chaos” JPS Gallery Group Exhibition:

    Amid life’s chaos, we often find ourselves grappling with the darkness that lurks within us.Whether it be a shameful secret, bone-chilling fear, or harrowing memory, its very presence in our minds can be daunting and disorienting. “Light Amidst Chaos” is an uplifting group exhibition that explores this concept by urging us to step into the light and face the darkness that holds us back.

    “Light Amidst Chaos” serves as a space for introspection and reflection, where visitors can engage with the artworks and explore their relationship with darkness.
    We invite you to join us as we weave a tapestry of courage and resilience and confront the darkness within ourselves with a spirit of compassion, grace, and inspiration. Together, let us explore “Light Amidst Chaos” and discover the transformative power of our inner light.





    My latest catalogue

    224 pages in total, including

    - 80 paintings from the last decade

    - 6 essays in bilingual (Chinese and English) by

    Helina Chan Founder, iPRECIATION
    Wilson Shieh Famous Chinese fine-brush (gongbi) painter
    Hung Keung Video and digital new media artist
    Ying Kwok Independent curator
    Jeff Leung Independent curator
    Ainta Cheng Performance artist



    Zodiac Year of the Boar Brunello di

    Year of the Boar

    Zodiac Homepage

    Thank you very much to Mr. Massimo Ferragamo, owner of Castiglion del Bosco, for his appreciation. I am honored to have had this chance to paint the label of this year's limited edition wine.

    According to the official website of the winery

    "Castiglion del Bosco, the name itself reveals its character: the bosco, (wood), surrounding the Castiglion (walled castle), is the domain of deer, boars and pheasants. And of Sangiovese."

    and this is the reason why I painted Boars instead of Pigs.

    I am also grateful to iPreciation for their effort in the link-up.

    Castiglion Del Bosco Boars

    Castiglion Del Bosco Boars
    Acrylic on canvas
    50cm x 50cm

    Castiglion Del Bosco Boars

    image source: https://www.instagram.com/p/BqO2AVLhadl/

    Castiglion Del Bosco Boars

    image source: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp4N6sSHzL9/

    Castiglion Del Bosco Boars